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Calrec Audio

Nutclough Mill
+44 (1422) 842159
+44 (1422) 845244


Calrec Showcase New Dante Interface, Suite of Assistive Apps and Summa console at NATEXPO 2014

Dante Interface
Calrec will demonstrate a Dante interface which works in conjunction with Hydra2 across the entire range of Calrec Bluefin2 consoles.
The development gives Dante connectivity to every client on a Hydra2 network via a simple, single width 3U I/O interface card. This provides 64 audio input channels and 64 audio output channels.
Connectivity is via dual-redundant RJ45 Ethernet connectors on the card’s front panel.
Dante is a proprietary networking technology developed by Audinate and is currently deployed across the globe to connect many different kinds of pro-audio equipment.

Also at NATEXPO 2014, Calrec will showcase three assistive apps: Soccer Assist, Ice Hockey Assist and Fader Assist.
The Assist suite of iPad® apps take advantage of Calrec’s CSCP remote control protocol to simplify workflow and provide operators with new ways to interface with Calrec consoles.
Soccer and Ice Hockey Assist allows operators to simplify the complex tasks of tracking audio during a game, providing an alternative approach for highly experienced operators while allowing those with less experience to create a quality mix very simply.
Fader Assist allows operators to remotely control fader level, PFL, cut/on and aux/main routing on all Calrec Bluefin2 consoles. The ability to remotely control these fader functions from any location within a Wi-Fi range provides a new level of flexibility and convenience for both mixing and set up.

Brand new variant of the Summa console.
The Summa console offers broadcast-focused facilities presented via a straightforward and intuitive control surface. Allowing broadcasters to scale resources to their requirements Summa is now available with 128 or 180 channels.
Summa with 128 channels has been conceived as an alternative for broadcasters who do not require the larger channel count of the original Summa console. The Summa control surface has a highly-intuitive GUI, making it suitable for a broad range of operator levels.

Calrec has manufactured high quality production and live to air audio mixing consoles exclusively for live broadcast since 1971.
Its expertise, experience and technology is trusted and endorsed by the world’s most successful broadcasters. For putting sound in the picture, broadcasters trust in Calrec.


Michael Reddick, European Sales Manager
Anthony Harrison, International Sales Manager


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Neglinnaya str. 15, Moscow, RF, 127051

Mailing address
49 off., 15, Neglinnaya str., bld. 1, Moscow, 127051, Russia.

Tel.: +7 495 651 08 34
Fax: +7 495 651 08 35