Address: Bldg.1, 7A, Golyanovskaya st., Moscow, 105094, Russia
Phones: +7 (499) 763-45-42
Faxes: +7 (499) 763-44-81
Stand: B46
Category: Participants
Moscow Research TV Institute (Joint Stock Company)
Bldg.1, 7A, Golianovskaya st., 105094, Moscow city, Russia
Tel/тел: + 7 (499) 763-45-42
Fax/факс: + 7 (499) 763-44-81
General Dirtector - Nadejda N.Vilkova
JSC «MNITI» is the leading Russian research and development (R&D) company in the field of digital TV standards developing, high definition television systems, analog and digital TV equipment for both professional and home applications, all the kinds of information systems based on multimedia technologies. «MNITI» has had significant sources and all available licenses to undertake tremendous information as well as TV broadcasting projects on behalf of Russian Government and Russian Authorities. The company is a member of FOBTV (Future of Broadcast Television).
Participants: Бочаров Алексей Юрьевич, Зам.Генерального директора по маркетингу