Address: 4th Floor, Lawford House, Albert Place, London N3 1QA, UK
Phones: +42 221 181 511
Faxes: +42 221 181 521
Stand: B67
Category: Participants
OCTOPUS Newsroom is a leading developer and producer of newsroom computer systems for the broadcast TV industry, with a history of nearly 15 years' excellence and over 100 installations worldwide.
OCTOPUS6, a fully featured, cost-effective, platform-independent NRCS, runs natively on Mac OS X, Linux and Windows. It provides convenience, speed and ease of use at every stage of the newscast preparation process. We work with industry partners to create the complete, efficent, homogenious newsroom environments that broadcasters want, and offer integration with many technology partners.
Recent innovations include Reports, a management information system for setting up reports that detail operations on selected aspects of OCTOPUS6 use, so identifying possible bottlenecks and spare capacity to help improve workflows. Also Event Calendar prompts newsmakers about upcoming events and so can produce a new information flow into the newsroom. The Web Publishing enables journalist to directly send text to their web pages or social networks (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc) while creating the stories on Octopus.
See everything you can wish for your newsroom at stand B 67