Address: 117105, Russia, Moscow, 1 Nagatinskaya Street, Building 26
Phones: +7 (495) 795-03-50
Faxes: +7 (495) 795-03-55
Stand: A24
Category: Participants
National Cable Networks exists since 2001 and represents one of the major assets of OJSC NATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS (NTC)(Main shareholder is Rostelecom).
National Cable Networks is one of the leading cable TV operators in Russia.
National Cable Networks is promoting its media business self-produced TV content for pay TV on the basis of production companies New Choice TV Production and ArtMedia Group.
The following TV channels are being affilates of National Cable Networks: tv channel about modern moms lifestyle "Мать и дитя" (Mother and Child), "24 Техно" (24 Techno) tv channel about technology and digital lifestyle, "24 Док" (24 Doc)tv channel of actual documentary, horror movie and serial channel "Настоящее Страшное Телевидение" (NSTV) and comedy "Настоящее Смешное Телевидение" (NST) channel, entertaining channel "Парк развлечений" (Amusement park), analytical channel of journalistic investigations "Сoвершенно секретно" (Top Secret).
Participants: Andrey Skutin - ArtMedia Group and New Choice TV Production general manager
Stepan Kovalev - ArtMedia Group business manager
Alla Kurganova - marketing manager, National Cable Networks