Address: Pyrieva str.2 ,119285 Moscow Russia
Phones: +7 (499)143 23 23
Faxes: +7 (499) 143 00 80
Stand: B58
Category: Participants
Sernia-Film company from Moscow is one the major suppliers of the equipment for the cinema industry since 2006.
Sernia-Film is the official dealer such companies as ARRI, AGFA, DEBRI Technologies, Techniform, RTI Group, UTEC, Bebob GmbH and others.
Sernia-Film deals with complex equipment for imported equipment and communications, including for the film industry, as well as the development of systems for handling audio and video systems for processing and archiving data from any media.
Our company has numerous successful projects such as laboratory for the Gorky cinema studio, Konveyer laboratory, Mosfilm laboratory, Gosfilmofond of Russian Federation and post production companies as Cinelab, Salamandra and others.
Sernia-Film offers a post-sales service and technical support with its partners – Bars-Pro and Sfera Video. We are always eager to help our clients in case they are having troubles with the equipment.
Participants: Eugenia Bernova-director
Boris Aristov-Product manager
Tatiana Anikina-PR manager