Address: 22, Polytechnicheskaya st., 194021, St. Petersburg, Russia
Phones: +7 (812) 297-41-67
Faxes: +7 (812) 552-25-51
Stand: A25
Category: Participants
Founded in 1935 All-Soviet Union Television Research Institute (presently, Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Television Research Institute” or “NIIT”) is one of the oldest and most renowned research foundations in the world, working in the field of TV. As of now, FSUE NIIT is a developer and manufacturer of a wide range of broadcast and measuring hardware for digital TV and HDTV, including as follows:
- MPEG-2 transport stream multiplexer AT-55;
- digital data incapsulator AT-85;
- MPEG-2/4 transport stream analyzer ATP-1;
- digital TV test signals generator G-420;
- digital TV demodulator DTC-1I;
- digital TV networks monitoring system;
- DVB-T2 digital TV transmitter PRC-T2;
- DVB-T2 digital TV repeater / transmitter (Gap Filler) PRC-GF.
- multiformat and multistandard coder / decoder KDKM -1;
- autonomous receiving / transmitting digital TV station “Sirius” and gap filler station “:Sirius-M”.
Participants: Alexander A. Umbitaliev
D.Sc.(Tech.), Director
Sergey A. Tretyak
Head of Department, PhD.
Broadcasting, Measurement & Monitoring
Sergey A. Guzeev
Deputy of Head
Broadcasting, Measurement & Monitoring
Alexey A. Karpov
Marketing manager