Address: Pyatnitskaya Street, 25,115326 Moscow, Russia
Phones: +7 (495) 231-18-67, +7 (495) 950-64-70
Faxes: +7- 495) 950-68-07
Stand: B29-1
Category: Participants
ARVEX-DV is the service center of SONY.We are dealer of many Companies: RTW, Digital Vision, Broadcast Pix,Neuro TV,Ultimatte, Analog Way, KRAMER,LEADER, RTI. ARVEX-DV is a system integrator.We provide TV production shutting and editing. We provide rent of TV equipment- ENG, editing room and OBVAN. Our Company provides suppling used TV equipment and worranty service.
ARVEX-DV supplies spearparts SONY. We provide conversation for different format. ARVEX-DV provide refabrish videotapes.
Participants: Stoletov Konstantin, General Director
Stoletova Elena, Manager
Smirnov Alexandr,Technical Director
Timofeev Sergey,Engeneer
Boriscin Andrey, specialist
Kamitsky Ognyan
ukhoruchkina Daria,referent