Address: Berezovaya alley, estate 5А, building 5, 127273, Moscow, Russia
Phones: +7 (495) 971-55-59, +7 (495) 221-52-86
Faxes: +7 (495) 221-52-86
Stand: B52
Category: Participants
Engineering and building of TV and radio broadcast complexes.
Production studios, broadcast complexes, control rooms, multi chanel playout and production automation systems, news-rooms, radio facilities, sound recording studios for cinema, mobile equipment facilities, outside broadcasting vans, studio lighting, satellite reporting complexes.
Engineering and installation of broadcast television complexes in sport and leisure facilities.
The whole complex of works: from budget calculations to staff training.
Licenses for building and design works.
Consulting services on technical problems concerning TV and radio broadcasting.
Design and exploration work onsite, preparation of requirements and recommendations for building organizations.
The complete design dossier.
Delivery of equipment.
Installation and commissioning works.
Staff training.
Guarantee and postguarantee maintenance.
Participants: Vladimir Gordienko
Vladimir Migin
Viktor Letnikov
Sergey Esaulkov
Alexandr Yasko
Sergey Demchenko